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Jan 174 min read
Tailing a Mannicyre
A resident of the desert caves within the area of Somatis desert, adapted to surviving within this exceptionally harsh environment.

Sep 19, 202424 min read
The Whispers of the Licheels
This book features the curse of the Licheel, and other interesting fish of the Sanctuary.

Sep 12, 202422 min read
Field Guide to Feathers & Scales of the Sanctuary
Explore the birds and the reptiles of the Sanctuary alongside a traveler with their pet ornatile, Syl.

Aug 8, 20245 min read
Severing the Haze
Lithoterria is fractured, marred, and most of it is covered in a shroud of Mists that hide terrifying mutative monsters born of...

Aug 2, 20243 min read
Sanctuary Field Guide to Beasts and Monsters
This field guide serves as a practical compendium for those who dare to traverse these wild and arid lands.

Jul 31, 20247 min read
Treasures of the Desert | Natural Resources of the Sanctuary
The expansive Sanctuary was not always known for the oasis that surrounds Hellidam Ocean. Long ago, before the land blossomed into the...
May 27, 20242 min read
Papavera & Papavera Pharmaceuticals
"Papavera is a name synonymous with many things. The drugs that your healers provide you? Herbs in your alchemist’s lab?"
May 27, 20245 min read
The Desert Walkers of the Sanctuary
These creatures were once said to be the heart of the first eolo to have died within the desert, promising to bring life to these lands."

May 27, 20245 min read
A Glimpse into Organized Crime in Somati
The histories of these crime groups within the city are well known among their people, each with their own vision for Somati and the Eolo.
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