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A Glimpse into Organized Crime in Somati

Within the city of Somati, sin lies in every street. Access to flesh, to substances, to things beyond the wildest dreams of most any other culture is easily available, even to those that don’t know where to look fully. But, within these streets lies those that make their livings from handling these rarities. These are the most prominent organized crime groups that are currently known within the city.

The Scaletorn

The first group is called Scaletorn, a group of old blooded eolo that moved into the city to bring back older eolo values. They are well known to have the power, the funding, and the brutality to bring about most any violence they wish to, and can be seen the most within The Grand North Line. They have a hierarchy within the “family”, pulling most eolo that share their values in and then weaving them in at the lowest rank. The hierarchy seems to have five ranks, the Unscaled being the lowest and going up by the Scaled, the Known, the Enlightened, and the Blessed.

The Unscaled are known within the group as potentials, those that still need to prove themselves to be accepted into the “family”. These are the ones you find most likely to be doing more petty crimes such as protections, drug running, or even robberies. These, also, are the most likely to be seen fighting in the streets with other organized crime groups.

The Scaled are those that have been accepted within the family, but have yet to proceed through the ranks by means of proving themselves capable of handling higher leveled crime schemes. These would be considered “soldiers” within their groups, those that have gotten some training in handling the crimes and have been given time and effort to be brought up to a base level standard that is found to be acceptable.

The Known are those that actually lead groups of the Scaled, also seen as some of the bigger threats. The Known seem to only have around a dozen or so members, each of them dangerous in their own rights. These are much higher trained in both their physical abilities, and much more interwoven into the family’s beliefs. Known are more likely to simply end a threat if it presents itself before them rather than try to discuss things through.

Enlightened are those that seem to be advisors to the Blessed. These are the ones that the Known answer to, and the Enlightened are considered major threats. They do the big planning for major crimes, be it interweaving themselves within the political structures of Somati or even taking over whole sections of the city. Where an Enlightened resides, the entire section is known to be owned by the Scaletorn.

The Blessed only have three members, one of which was recently murdered and displayed over the entrance gates from the Sylkryn Path. The Blessed are the true leaders of Scaletorn, and potentially the highest threat level. They’ve trained with kilnsi, they were raised by much more dangerous clans of eolo in the deserts, and they only came into the city to attempt to take Somati over and restore it to what eolo “should be”. Blessed are the most dangerous criminals within their crime family and they have been known once or twice to simply purge members from the lower ranks on a whim. They hold high places in society, be it politically, or financially, and seem nearly untouchable by the law.

The Rot

One of the other prominent groups within Somati is known as Rot. Rot follows a simple structure that is highly effective with the Runners on the very bottom, yet being the largest part of the group, the Minds and the Muscle above those, and at the very top the Threats run everything below them.

The Runners are a group of people that run the crime on the streets whether it be prostitution, thieves, drugs, extortion, or most notably the street violence. They are the most visible of the group and the most active. There are thousands within this section, and if you’ve been pickpocketed or threatened within Somati it is likely that you’ve encountered a Runner.

The Minds are those that organize specific crimes. They organize large groups of the Runners for large scale robberies, for major trafficking rings, and for major drug running. The Minds are the ones with the plans, and the ones that handle and control the lowest rung within Rot. They also are the ones that mainly handle approval for new members to be allowed into the group.

The Muscle are those that handle security and protection. These are where you find the highly trained fighters within the groups, those that handle much more dangerous weapons and higher grade weapons as well. The Muscle are usually found protecting the Minds, as well as helping to lead raids or violent plots. Major drug running usually has one or two of the Muscle working with them as well.

The Threats are those that lead the group itself. They are known to organize cleanups within the city as well as demolitions. They are the faces of the group, the ones that hold the highest values and spread them amongst the lower rankings. But, they are also known to be the most dangerous, none of them easy to anger and all of them quick to wipe out a threat all on their own.

Vying for Control of Somati

The histories of these crime groups within the city are well known among their people. Scaletorn are rumored to come from the older clans of eolo that do not approve of Somati itself, but they are also rumored to have been those that were banished from older clans. They see those not within their family as disposable, and have been rumored to be linked with racial trafficking.

The Rot was said to have appeared originally to defend the city itself when the mists overcame it. They stole from those in power to give back to people that were homeless, defenseless, and starving. They murdered those that tried to take over the city, and defended their territory viciously. While a nuisance, the Rot is less likely to be spoken of in a bad light, especially with the fact that they do, still, give back to the city in pretty major ways.

While Scaletorn provide funding and manpower to help rebuild their territories themselves, the Rot is known to dig in anywhere in the city and clear it, then to rebuild that which was lost and stay until the areas are stable. Rot and Scaletorn are known within the city to hate one another, both of their ideals directly oppositional. Should they meet on the streets, it’s known to immediately get away from them as there will in fact be violence within the hour.

While there are other criminal organizations within Somati, these are the two most predominant. There is one other that very little information is known of, but what is known of this group is their calling card. They display your crimes on your body and hang you to be seen from all within the city. They also seem to leave red petals on bodies that they dispose of. Beyond that, there seems to be very little available to discuss, other than the fact that this group is the most dangerous within Somati.


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