In the varied landscapes of Sanctuary, from the golden grasses of the savannah to the dense canopies of the tropical jungles down to the dark depths of hidden caverns, life is a constant struggle for survival. This field guide serves as a practical compendium for those who dare to traverse these wild and arid lands, where every chitter might signal a nearby threat.
In the towering trees of the Moraki Jungle, the Koryshi lurk silently above, waiting for large prey, or travelers, to pass by. These massive insectoid creatures merge seamlessly within the canopy of tall trees with their camouflaged chitin. The Koryshi’s preferred hunting method is a sudden and brutal drop from the heights, using their sheer weight to stun their prey on impact. Once grounded, they gnaw away at their prey with unrelenting persistence, their mandibles designed to crush bone and sinew with ease. Travelers are advised to remain vigilant when walking under dense tree cover, as the Koryshi's ambushes are often lethal to the unprepared. Their presence is usually marked by the eerie silence of the jungle, as lesser creatures know well to steer clear of their territory.
The cliffs and crags of the Horothrux mountain range, which border the savannah and the aridlands, are home to the formidable Ramwolf. Standing at five feet tall at the shoulder, this canine is as much a climber as it is a hunter taking to the jungle, deserts, and savannah alike. With a powerful set of horns curving back from its skull, the Ramwolf is known for scaling steep rock faces in pursuit of its favored prey, the Gyrdstrog—a massive goat-like creature with thick fur, strong legs, and a stubborn disposition. The Ramwolf’s hunting technique involves ramming its prey with incredible force, using its horns to break bones and disable the Gyrdstrog before delivering the killing bite. The sound of a Ramwolf’s howl echoing through the cliffs is often the only warning travelers get before these apex predators emerge from the shadows in numbers.
Beneath the surface, the Sanctuary's many mines and cavern systems hide a far more insidious threat: the Vika'Pi. This flying parasite, with its writhing tentacles and messy rows of teeth, dwells in the deepest, darkest recesses, lying in wait for unsuspecting victims. The Vika'Pi’s most terrifying attribute is its ability to continue draining blood long, even in the event it has been killed. Its maw latches on with a vice-like grip, injecting an anticoagulant into the veins of its prey, allowing the creature to feed without resistance. Removing a Vika'Pi from its victim requires the expertise of a skilled medic, as improper extraction can cause severe blood loss or even death. Miners and adventurers exploring the caves are strongly advised to travel in groups and keep a close eye on the darkness above, where the Vika'Pi are known to silently await its next meal upon the cold stone.
Whether you're traversing the dense jungles, scaling the cliffs, or delving into the dark depths below, knowing what lurks in the wilds can mean the difference between life and death. Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and remember: in the Sanctuary, the line between hunter and hunted is often thin.
The creatures detailed below are some of the many species that are present in the Sanctuary.
It is important to note that under the "Creature Attributes" tab is an example of the minimum average creature's stats. Creatures are regularly scaled to suit the situation and/or appropriate danger to the muse. Engagement check references the minimum number required for locating, successfully hitting, domesticating, and breeding the creature in question in a roll.
Bosthog Overview
Type: Round Mammal
Description: The bosthog is a stout and round creature, brown in color, with green plants naturally growing from its shaggy hair. It has a circular, flat snout with tusks extending three inches from the sides of its cheeks. Mushrooms sprout from the greenery on its body. It walks on four small hooves and wiggles its curly tail and floppy ears to show emotion.
Behavior: Bosthogs give live birth to 4-8 hoglets, which nurse from their mother and gradually grow hair and greenery on their backs over a few months. They tend to pair off and go on their own journey at around two months old. They primarily scavenge and eat rotting plants.
Special Abilities:
Headstrong Charge | The bosthog stomps its hooves and readies itself before charging into its target dealing 150 damage in blunt damage with its head or piercing damage with its small tusks.
D3 Animal Hide
D3 Common Meat
D3 Bones
D2, if 2, 1 Unit of Lesser Beast Essence
Diet: Scavengers, mostly feeding on rotting plants.
Bosthog Shrooms D5, if 5, Rare Bosthog Shroom.
Spotted Bosthog Shrooms
Care Cycle: 15 days.
Rarity: Common in Lithoterria forests.
Other Notes:
Their meat is comparable to pork, and certain breeds produce expensive mushrooms.
Bosthog Attributes
Bosthog Loot
Bosthog Products
Borlopes Overview
Type: Predator Mammal
Description: Borlopes are fearsome creatures resembling deer-sized rabbits with muscular bodies and large paws hiding wicked sharp claws. Their fur comes in various earth tones and patterns, camouflaging them effectively in their surroundings. Each borlopes bears a pair of imposing antlers, twisted and pointed, adding to their intimidating appearance. Their mouths are filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth, ready to rend flesh. Despite their rabbit-like appearance, borlopes are an apex predator, known for their aggressive behavior and deadly hunting tactics.
Behavior: Often found in small herds of 2-3 individuals, these beasts roam the lands with a predatory focus, constantly seeking out prey. They exhibit highly strategic hunting patterns, utilizing their speed, strength, and ferocity to take down unsuspecting victims. Borlopes are notorious for their violent nature and hairpin temper, making them extremely dangerous to approach. Distance should be kept at all times, as they will not hesitate to attack if provoked.
Special Qualities:
Infamous Instability | A borlope can close up to medium distance to capture its target in a grapple. The target must break the grapple with an athletics check of 45 or higher, or it will take 200 damage per turn until escape by rending meat from the body.
D5 Animal Hide
D5 Common Meat
D5 Bones
D2, if 2, 1 Unit of Beast Essence.
D2 Borlope Teeth
Diet: Carnivorous
Products: None
Care Cycle: 15 days
D2 for young yield.
Rarity: Rare
Other Notes: Found in Esmya and the Sanctuary.
Borlopes Attributes
Vitality: 1500
Sanity: 750
Stamina: N/A
Aether: N/A
Damage: 150 Piercing Damage | 450~ Damage per Turn
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 75
Space Need: 5
Travel Speed: Not a mount.
Typical XP | 40 XP
Borlope Loot
Common Animal Hide
Description: A sturdy piece of hide sourced from common animals found throughout Lithoterria. The hide is thick and durable, providing excellent protection against the elements and minor injuries. It has a rough texture, with natural variations in color and pattern depending on the specific animal it was harvested from.
Special Qualities: None.
Item Type: Crafting Material
Effect: Provides basic protection when crafted into armor or used to reinforce other items.
Rarity: Common
Source: Sourced from various common animals such as deer, rabbits, or boars.
Common Meat
Description: Freshly harvested meat from common animals found across Lithoterria. It comes in various cuts and forms, suitable for consumption or use in cooking.
Special Qualities: Must be cooked before consumed unless considered a feral species.
Item Type: Consumable/Cooking Ingredient
Effect: Provides sustenance when consumed, can be cooked into various dishes.
Rarity: Common
Source: Obtained from animals such as deer, rabbits, boars, and other common game animals.
Common Bones
Description: Collected from a variety of common animals throughout Lithoterria, these bones come in different shapes and sizes. They are versatile materials used in crafting, rituals, or as simple tools.
Special Qualities: Can be carved into tools, weapons, or trinkets. May also be used in alchemical or ritualistic practices.
Item Type: Crafting Material/Component
Effect: N/A
Rarity: Common
Source: Obtained from animals such as deer, rabbits, boars, and other common game animals.
Borlope Teeth
Description: Borlope teeth are sharp, elongated fangs harvested from the formidable Borlopes, large rabbit-like creatures known for their aggressive behavior and volatile nature. These teeth are prized for their sharpness and durability, making them valuable materials for crafting weapons, tools, or grinding them down for spell work. Borlope teeth vary in size and shape, with some specimens reaching several inches in length and featuring intricate serrations along the edges.
Special Qualities: Can be used as makeshift nails, darts, and piercing ammo for 75 damage.
Item Type: Crafting Material
Damage/Effect: Can be fashioned into weapons, tools, or decorative ornaments.
Rarity: Rare
Source: Acquired by hunting and slaying Borlopes in the wild.
Beast Essence
Description: Monster / Beast Essence represents the essence of formidable creatures of the wild. It exudes a primal energy that resonates with the untamed forces of nature. This essence is highly sought after by adventurers and warriors for its potent effects in enhancing their abilities.
Special Qualities: Provides a surge of primal strength and ferocity. (+50 damage to normal attacks for a turn.)
Item Type: Mystical Ingredient
Success Check: 70
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Obtained from defeating monsters and beasts.
Centien Overview
Centien Attributes
Centien Loot
Centien Products
Gyrdstrog Overview
Type: Quadruped Mammal
Description: Gyrdstrogs are ram-like creatures with a mane resembling that of a lion. Male Gyrdstrogs develop horns that grow and branch out in an "o" shape, while females lack horns entirely. Their tails are thin and long, with a tuft of hair at the tip matching the color of their mane. Gyrdstrogs typically come in shades of grey, with rarer variants of white, black, and brown/red coats. Each Gyrdstrog is of one solid color, with the mane matching the tail tuft.
Behavior: Wild Gyrdstrogs graze in small groups led by a female, while males compete for dominance by butting heads. Domestic Gyrdstrogs are often separated by gender to prevent conflicts.
Special Abilities:
Bullheaded Bash | Deals 200 Damage to target and pushes them 20 feet back. The target’s next attack does half damage.
D5 Animal Hide
D5 Common Meat
D5 Bones
D2, if 2, 1 Unit of Beast Essence
Diet: Herbivorous grazers, feeding on grasses, sedges, and herbaceous plants, but avoiding those found in Esmya.
1 Unit of Milk per day
Care Cycle: 15 days.
D2 for Gyrdstrogs Babies
Rarity: Common
Other Notes:
Profane Gyrdstrogs turn completely black and their muscles increase dramatically, making them formidable in attacks resembling ramming behavior.
These animals are used as mounts and have the ability to spring up dangerous rocky terrain with ease.
Gyrdstrog Attributes
Gyrdstrog Loot
Gyrdstrog Products
Jovial Overview
Type: Small Mammal
Description: Jovials resemble a cross between a large fox and a medium-sized dog. They have a more slender muzzle, vertical stripes on their fur, and a long, fluffy mane down the midline of the neck and back. It also has one or two diagonal stripes down the flanks of their small bodies along with several stripes on its legs. Their tails are luxuriously fluffy with either a black or pastel-colored tip depending on the habitat they live in. The Jovial is about 45 to 70 cm long, excluding its fluffy tail, which is about the same length as its body, and stands about to 35 cm tall at the shoulders. An adult weighs approximately 10-25 pounds. Pelt colors depend on habitat. Individuals who live away from the influence of people tend to be various shades of brown with dark brown or black markings. Some individuals have ventured closer to living nearer civilizations with bizarre effects. Their colors have changed from dull tones designed to blend into their environment, to bright pastels designed to stand out and attract attention of anyone who might have food. Jovials that live near cities tend to be smaller and much fluffier, whereas their wild relatives are much more built for the wild.
Behavior: Jovials are known to mimic laughter, “speak”, dance, whatever it takes to loosen food from the hands of their audience. They can even learn tricks and even mimic other behaviors of cats and dogs to bring happiness to the people of Lithoterria, in the hopes of receiving a pastry or sweet for their efforts. They follow humans who have fed, housed, or helped them, but are not personal pets. These little balls of fluff are extremely crafty and have, so far, been able to slip any attempts to trap, collar, or permanently keep them. If one tries to trap one without a way outside or puts a collar on them, they will do anything to escape and then never return.
Special Qualities: Charming Smile | Jovials have a natural, passive charm ability. Jovials spread feelings of joy, peace, calm, and happiness to those who come into contact with them. In the wild, this ability is used to lull prey into a state of calm so they are easier to hunt, and to persuade larger predators to share their kills with this much smaller creature. A roll is made against the target’s resolve. In application, it delays any attempts to attack the Jovial until significant motivation is found. (Examples: Risk of death, starvation, ect.)
D3 Animal Hide
D3 Common Meat
D3 Bones
D2, if 2, 1 Unit of Lesser Beast Essence.
Diet: Omnivores. However, those that make their homes in and around cities are notorious for their affinity for sweets.
Products: None.
Care Cycle: Jovials are independent creatures and do not require any special care.
Rarity: Sparse
Other Notes: Despite several attempts to domesticate these critters, it seems they have done a much better job domesticating people. They are not available for sale. Wild, dully-colored Jovials are a rather rare sight for the races, they typically live in wooded areas of Esmya. Brightly-colored ones have been slowly popping up near major cities all over Lithoterria. No one knows really how or why they have been migrating this way.
Jovial Attributes
Jovial Loot
Mannicyre Overview
Type: Feline Mammal
Description: As large as a dire wolf, these beasts stand at 6 feet tall on all fours. They have wicked horns growing back from their foreheads, and long fangs dropping from their feline muzzles. Small spikes of nearly bone-like material run down their spine and seem to protrude from their ribs. Their large dinner plate-sized paws are adorned with huge razor-sharp claws, and their bodies are built of lethal muscles. Depending on where you find them, they can either have a mane similar to a smilodon as well as spotting down their back. They are usually found with striping over their hindquarters similar to that of a thylacine.
Behavior: Extremely hostile and aggressive unless offered raw meat and approached calmly. They are wary, and still likely to attack if provoked. These beasts are rarely seen tamed, and only seen paired with beast hunters as their only stay around those they share a bond with. They are very solitary animals and extremely territorial, known to take down anything that could be encroaching on their territory. During mating season, the males become increasingly hostile towards humanoids, actively hunting them out and bringing them back as tokens of affection towards the female they are courting. They seem to possess a near intelligence, finding ways around hunters' traps easily. Extremely difficult to trap and kill, these beasts roam the lands leaving fear in their wake.
Special Qualities: Quality Quills | If an opponent rolls a multiple of 5 on their roll, their offensive limb will be struck with a quill causing paralysis in the limb for two turns.
D4 Mannicyre Quill
D5 Animal Hide
D5 Common Meat
D5 Bones
D2, if 2, 1 Unit of Greater Beast Essence.
Diet: Carnivorous, with a preference for Gyrdstrog.
D2, if 1, you gain a single Mannicyre Quill per day.
Care Cycle: 20 days
D3 for Young Yield.
Rarity: Rare
Other Notes:
Requires a saddle made of Onirad leather to ride or the rider’s bottom will look like a pin cushion.
Rose petals act as a mild psychoactive that a Mannicyre will adore, offering a +10 to those attempting to charm this fearsome beast.
Mannicyre Attributes
Mannicyre Loot
Paillio Overview
Type: Rodent
Description: Tiny rodent-like animal with long claws in front for digging, similar in appearance to a hamster. They have a long tail with a tiny poof at the end, resembling a tiny lion's tail, and they have a lot of "fluff". When they start stashing food or items in their cheek pouches, they can grow to around 5 times their normal size, usually used for gathering tiny nuts and roots from the ground.
Behavior: Paillios like to stash and store a lot of items. If handed anything, they will immediately shove it in their cheeks, whether it is food or not. They are able to be thrown like a softball, and due to the excess skin of their pouches, will bounce on impact. Paillios enjoy sleeping in warm, dark places. They are normally found in little underground dens that they dig out, then vacate the next night.
Special Qualities: Extremely docile and friendly to most anything that doesn't bite at them.
Precious Pouches | The Paillio can hide a small object within their cheeks without it being detectable to others. Exceptions include a perception check higher than 85 upon inspecting the exterior of the Paillio.
D2 Animal Hide Scraps
D2 Common Meat
D2 Bones
D2 Paillio Claw
Diet: Omnivore
Products: None.
Care Cycle: 10 days
D4 for Young Yield
Rarity: Common
Other Notes: Paillio have a preference for medicinal herbs and roots. Thus, they are very useful for Eolo medical professionals because the little ones will search out and find the roots, then store them.
Paillio Attributes
Paillio Loot
Ramwolf Overview
Type: Wolf-like Canine Mammal
Description: Adult Ramwolves stand about 5 feet tall and resemble wolves. They have a small sharp tusk in their maw and curled horns on their heads. Males are distinguished by a very fluffy mane around their necks.
Behavior: Ramwolves, also known as Ewewolves, are peaceful pack animals that exhibit a strong pack mentality, working together as a group. They are curious creatures that come to the city at night when they smell raw meat.
Special Qualities: Pack Mentality | Befriend a member of a pack, and the rest of the pack will regard you as an acquaintance.
D5 Animal Hide
D5 Common Meat
D5 Bones
D2, if 2, 1 Unit of Beast Essence
Diet: Carnivorous, behaving like scavengers.
Products: None specified.
Care Cycle: 15 days
D3 Younglings
Rarity: Common in most habitats across Lithoterria.
Other Notes:
Ramwolves can be tamed with food over time, but they will choose whether to stay or leave.
If depressed, they can get sick and die.
Ramwolf Attributes
Ramwolf Loot
Glowflies Overview
Type: Bunny-like Creature
Description: Glowflies are small, bunny-like creatures roughly 5-8 inches long, resembling cottontail rabbits with two distinct features: butterfly-like ears with intricate patterns and glowing tails at night. They flutter around by flapping their ears and can coast on breezes.
Behavior: Glowflies avoid people but are attracted to gardens. They gather in groups, known as butter trays, during the summer to mate. These lazy fliers often coast around on breezes and are most active after sundown, frequenting open fields, pond edges, and areas with flowers and plants.
Special Qualities:
Their tails glow at night and are attracted to gardens and floral areas.
Being in an area with two or more peaceful glowflies offers an improvement of sanity by 25 points.
Fluttering flight achieved by flapping their butterfly-like ears.
D3 Animal Hide Scraps
D2 Common Meat
D2 Bones
D2, if 2, 1 Unit of Lesser Beast Essence.
Diet: Primarily flowers and foliage, though some are known to drink blood.
Products: None specified.
Care Cycle: 10 days.
3D Young Yield
Rarity: Common
Other Notes: Timid and reclusive but easily bribed with food, shelter, and resting places.
Glowflies Attributes
Glowflies Loot
Grimmies Overview
Type: Book Creature
Description: Grimmies come in all shapes, colors, and sizes one can think of. A standard grimmy will look like an ordinary book. They seem to be books that are laid open, pages pointing down, talking on spindly pointed legs, much like earthen hermit crabs. They have two eye stalks that hold off usually solid black eyes, and they will use their incredibly flexible covers like hands.
Behavior: Grimmies display a wide variety of behaviors depending on their element and type. Some are mischievous, playing pranks on unsuspecting passersby by snapping their covers shut or rearranging their own pages. Others are more serious and can act as protectors of knowledge, guarding their contents fiercely. Some advanced Grimmies can communicate in written or spoken language, sharing the knowledge contained within their pages. They are social creatures and often form small colonies in libraries or other places rich in books. When threatened, they can become aggressive, using their covers to slap or their legs to stab.
Special Qualities: Can vary based on their element, potentially possessing elemental abilities such as igniting their pages (fire element) or creating a gust of wind when opened (air element). As a companion, they have a spell holding limit of 5 to enable more spell use for their master. This increases by one point per heart.
D2 Magical Pages
Diet: Inks, paper, meats, and anything fibrous.
Products: None.
Care Cycle: 15 days
D2 for young.
Rarity: Sparse
Other Notes: They're crab beginners grimoires. Be cautious. Some come in advanced, and even artifact form. Grimmies require a constant supply of ink and paper to stay healthy. They molt their pages periodically, which can be collected and used for alchemical purposes.
Grimmies Attributes
Grimmies Loot
Koryshi Overview
Type: Insectoid Sextuped
Description: Six long legs connect to a trunk of a segmented chitin decorated body extending eight feet in length and six in height when curving its body. The exoskeleton holds an array of burnt umber patches, deep forest greens, and sandy yellows that protect the body and arm the four stalks that support the orbicular eyes of the Koryshi with small spikes. Hidden wings allow it to glide from heights onto unsuspecting prey where the sheer weight of the creature poses a threat to its target, but large front pinchers allow it to remove barriers between the Koryshi and its meal.
Behavior: Koryshi are typically passive during the day spending most of their time tightly cemented to the trunks of tropical trees. They feast on large mammals at night, using both visual tracking and heat based tracking with their four eyes by gliding down and suppressing them giving them little chance to escape. During the dry season, they will take a mate and store the eggs in the female’s body through injection before consuming her head. Several dozen are born over the next few weeks who will use their mother’s body as their first meal.
Special Qualities:
Suspending Suppression | A Koryshi will descend in a glide requiring a perception check of 40 or higher to take notice in clear, but jungle dense conditions. Failure will result in the insectoid predator overpowering its target with its weight requiring a strength check of 80 or higher twice to remove it- no actions requiring movement will occur at this time. Until then, it will attempt to crush through any armor and begin to remove it from its target like a shell. It is able to put a repair token onto equipment per turn until breaking through where it will use its thorny proboscis to rend and slurp up meat from its prey at an imposing 300 damage per turn until removed. A bleed effect is also placed upon the target if armor penetration is successful. Armor penetration is only possible on gear with a rating of 14 or below in equipment rating.
Fireproof | Koryshi are immune to fire damage.
D5 Insectoid Hide
D5 Strange Meat
Diet: Carnivore
Products: None.
Care Cycle: 25 days
D2 for young. Requires corpse host.
Rarity: Common
Other Notes: These creatures tend to attack the smallest prey out of a group, but are also known to overwhelm larger targets in mated duos.
Koryshi Attributes
Koryshi Loot
Onirad Overview
Type: Canine Monster
Description: An Onirad initially appears like a regular dog with familiar features such as the tail, ears, eyes, and overall body structure. Its appearance can be quite deceiving, as it seems like a friendly pet. However, when not playing coy, an Onirad reveals its true form—a twelve-foot-long body with a stretchy, rubber-like stomach capable of containing a corpse or even an entire Eolo. Its sharp teeth, equipped with special muscles, can shake side to side rapidly to shred prey into pieces. While not common, these creatures occasionally stray into towns, pretending to be injured to lure in victims. In its profaned version, the Onirad remains fully extended, moves with greater speed, and functions more like a giant cobra than a trap.
Behavior: Onirads draw people in by pretending to play, fetching sticks, and faking injury. Once the victim is close, the Onirad's jaw unhinges like a snake, and its body rapidly contorts and extends, launching the span of ten feet in seconds. They are solitary creatures.
Special Qualities:
Unhinged Hunger | The Onirad has the ability to unhinge its jaw and extend its body rapidly to swallow whole creatures reaching the size of an Eolo. It requires an acrobatics skill check of 65 to avoid. Otherwise, a sharp object and a strength check of 65 must be succeeded to force ones way out of an Onirad’s stomach. The target will take 250 damage per turn left in the Onirad’s stomach.
Unsuspecting | This animal is most usually described as a dog, but rolling a 70 or higher on perception will allow one, with a relevant field of trade or travel, to identify it for the monster it is.
D3 Onirad Hide
D3 Strange Meat
D3 Bones
D2, if 2, 1 Unit of Beast Essence
Diet: Carnivore | x3 Meat to interact with beast’s Care Cycle.
Products: None.
Care Cycle: 25 days
D3 for Onirad puppies
This wild and hostile creature requires an additional +20 onto engagement difficulty to successfully domesticate it.
Rarity: Sparse
Other Notes:
The Onirad's ability to mimic a friendly dog makes it particularly dangerous to unsuspecting victims.
Profaned Onirads are even more dangerous, functioning like giant cobras with enhanced speed and agility.
Onirad Attributes
Onirad Loot
Puboon Overview
Type: Feline Creature
Description: The puboon looks like your average house cat, only it doesn’t possess any legs to move. They have triangular ears that twitch upon hearing sound and an adorable little pink nose. The puboon can come in a variety of colors and patterns ranging from vibrant orange and cream to black and white. When the puboon is ready to move, six tentacles, blue or lime green in color, extend and snag onto things in order to move about. It thrives in areas with a lot of trees, swinging from branch to branch with its tentacles. Its tail tends to just hang there or wiggle left to right to express emotion, and it has little nub feet that are basically useless for motion.
Behavior: The puboon’s life begins in a clear cluster of eggs with 3-6 siblings guarded by its mother. The mother will rest upon the egg cluster for 2 months before the small puboons, known as boonies, emerge from their eggs. The mother must go out and fetch food for her growing young, feeding them fish or smaller mammals. When the puboon reaches maturity, they tend to leave their cluster and find food on their own. It is not uncommon for a puboon to visit its family for bigger hunting jobs or just to play. They are highly social and playful creatures when house-trained.
Special Qualities: Striking Shock | Tentacles can generate a "shock" similar to a jellyfish’s stingers, ranging from an annoying pain to something that causes agony for hours. Common puboon can stun their target for two actions of their turn.
D4 Puboon Stinger
D2 Common Meat
D2 Bones
Diet: Carnivore
Products: None.
Care Cycle: 10 days
D3 Young yield
Rarity: Common
Other Notes:
The puboon is a beloved house pet to most of Lithoterria.
Domesticated puboons are seldom dangerous unless trained to be vicious. Wild puboons may attack if desperate for a meal.
Puboon owners often opt to have the tips of their stingers removed to avoid shocks.
Puboon Attributes
Puboon Loot
Vika'Pi Overview
Type: Blood-Sucking Parasite
Description: On first glance, Vika'Pi looks like a bat. Upon closer inspection, it has wings the size of twice its body length, a tail, a modified mouth and head, no eyes, holes that serve as ears, and a hole on its belly for reproduction and ejecting waste. The head consists of tentacles with thorns and suckers for attaching to a host, and a circular mouth with rows of teeth for extracting blood.
Behavior: Vika'Pi can spend months or even years hanging in high places without food. They are extremely sensitive to sound and drop down to attach to large animals passing below. Once attached, they are almost impossible to remove without an expert’s help. After feeding, they return to their high perch to slowly digest the blood stored in their expandable belly. They keep their young in their stomach, feeding them with blood until they are old enough to live independently.
Special Qualities: Latch & Leech | The Vika’Pi chooses its target at random and closes the distance between it and them in record time requiring a reflex check of 70 or higher. Otherwise, the target will begin to be drained of a unit of blood per turn dealing 150 damage per turn until the target is drained of blood.
Removal requires a medical experience check of 80 to remove and failure results in 500 immediate loss of Vitality and continued attack. Dead Vika'Pi continue to drain blood until removed due to the shape of their maw.
D2 Strange Meat
D2, if 1, a Vika’Pi Maw
D2, if 1, a unit of Shroud Essence.
Diet: They feed on fresh blood.
Products: None
Care Cycle: Unable to be domesticated through regular means.
Rarity: Sparse
Other Notes:
Requires an expert to remove safely.
Extremely hostile; handle with caution.
Vika'Pi Attributes
Vika'Pi Loot