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The Curtain Falls on the Obsidian Circus

The night the mists parted was a grand one, one filled with lights, laughter, and mystique. Tents lifted into the air and the scents of popcorn, sweets, and many carnival treats filled the air. After the horrors of the last few years, the Obsidian Circus was a much, much welcomed event within the city of New Ashen, even if there was no explanation as to how it came to be.

It was cold the day that the circus opened for the residents of the Arcveltian city, but that dampened no moods as people flooded the grounds, trying their hands at games as well as receiving tarot readings and fortunes. Circus-goers were greeted with carnies such as Silas, the man of strength, Madam Zephyr, the fortune teller, Kael, the beastmaster, Esme, the porcelain hex, Ember, the flamedancer, Talia the acrobat, Seraphina the contortionist, Viktor the knife thrower, Lucian the magician, and Malakai the Ringmaster.

People were introduced to many interesting sights within the circus, be it the Freak Tent, the Arena, the Games, or even the Fortune Telling Tent, and within days an air of levity and amusement had filled the city, relieving the morose air by a few degrees. Performers moved among the crowds, and the people of the city became familiar with those that brought life back to them, preparing with them for the main show.

A little over two weeks after arriving, the big day arrived and what a day it was! Spectacle awed the crowds as every member of the circus showcased every skill they had honed to perfection! Those that came to the show were stunned with the grand event that was showcased, and not a single one went home that evening unaffected!

However, within mere hours of the show being finished it was discovered that a member of the circus had gone missing.

Days passed by with no information, but a horrifying stench permeated the Big Top. It took many days of investigation before the source was found, and from that came the answer to the question of where Madam Zephyr had disappeared to. Hidden within the closet of the firedancer, Ember, the fortune teller’s body had been located, and very quickly a deeper investigation was launched.

Weeks passed with no answers on what happened, many of the people who had been touched by the circus offering their help to seek information. Day by day more clues were uncovered until through a miracle and hard work, not only was the murder weapon found, but the culprit that ended Madam Zephyr’s life was as well. Ember had been cleared of suspicion, and all gazes turned to Esme, the Porcelain Hex, as her hair pin was used to kill Madam Zephyr, the item found within the body of the victim.

Esme fled the scene and Kael courageously headed the search for her along with the help of those that solved the murder. Hunting through the profane infested Sildrake, the ceth was found and brought back safely, contained within the circus as questions flew through the air and more information was gathered. Suspicions at this point laid not just with the culprit, but with the magician that seemed closest to her.

Many fingers were pointed to Lucian as having helped or even caused the murder, as suspicions flared due to the man’s actions, but with no evidence there were no actions taken against him. This even led into the trail, where Valle, the yui that found the body and helped capture Esme, and Marcell, the sirin that found the murder weapon through divination, helped question the ceth.

Hours of hard deliberation passed with questions aimed at Esme and accusations thrown towards Lucian, but through evidence and proof provided within the trial the only one found culpable of any wrongdoing was the hex herself, and thus Malakai sentenced her himself. She was taken back safely, and the circus was finally allowed to mourn the death of one of their beloved members.

Days passed, the circus gearing up for its final show, and once the night came hundreds attended to witness the pinnacle of performances where, for the first time in history, one that was infected with profanity itself was cured before the gazes of the audience. The show itself ripped at the hearts of those that saw it, the magic itself weaving between the words of a set of lovers drawing the profane’s very soul back to her body guided by the magnificent hand of the ringmaster.

The show would be marked by the audience as a true spectacle, those that bore witness unable to confidently say whether it was the greatest illusion they’d ever seen or a true miracle under the Mother Tree. Where the Obsidian circus goes next remains to be seen, but its time within Arcveltian Borders shall be remembered for years to come!

TLDR Version

The circus arrived in town and enthralled all those that attended with its wide array of events and games able to be played, cast and crew engaging regularly.

The circus’ Main Show was held a little over two weeks after the arrival of the circus, to which the players present witnessed a grand “illusion.” Vaukz was cured of profanity that was drawn out of him before everyone, leaving many within the crowd questioning whether the event was a ritual of some sort, or a grand illusion.

Madam Zephyr went missing the night of the Main Show, but within a few weeks her body was found within the wardrobe of Ember. Valle immediately dismissed suspicion on Ember and a search for the true culprit was launched.

Marcell divined that Madam Zephyr was attempting to protect something and was trying to warn Malakai. Suspicion was thrown on Lucian as Valle attempted to have herself cured and Lucian told her to steal an orb from Malakai. While the investigation was ongoing, Valle nearly stole the orb but at the last moment decided instead to inform Malakai on suspicions with Lucian by giving a letter to Ember and Esme.

Ember was the only one to deliver the letter, leading suspicions to move to Esme as well. Marcell was able to divine where the murder weapon was. It was a hairpin that was within Madam Zephyr’s body and it belonged to Esme. Esme fled the scene and went into the Sildrake. She was able to be tracked as Valle investigated her room and found perfume to track her by scent.

Valle, Chip, Marcell, and Luz helped Kael track her down, encountering profane on the first night of tracking and then finding Esme on the second night. Esme was brought back to stand trial, and the day of the trial was found to be guilty through questioning from Valle and Marcell.

Valle requested a ritual in the hopes of curing her profanity. The circus readied itself. Lucian claimed that he was innocent and that Malakai had forbidden him from the ritual, which could risk the effectiveness of it.

Entrusting Malakai fully with the ritual, Valle came to the last show and in a miraculous feat by the end of the night was the first case in the world of profanity being cured.


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