The expansive Sanctuary was not always known for the oasis that surrounds Hellidam Ocean.
Long ago, before the land blossomed into the tropical haven found near the sea, it was a barren wasteland, a desolate expanse under the relentless sun. In those ancient times, terrible creatures lurked beneath the sands, monstrous beings that swallowed whole what few eolo managed to escape the extermination effort that proceeded the war in Esmya. These forsaken souls, driven to the very edges of Lithoterria to escape the eradication attempt, faced trials beyond measure as they embarked on their exhausting pilgrimage that would transform the Sanctuary into what it is today.
It is spoken of those dark days when the eolo wandered, their numbers dwindling under the constant threat of the sand-dwelling terrors. Entire warbands would vanish without a trace, claimed by the shifting dunes and the horrors hiding above in skeletal trees long forgotten by the rains. The few who remained learned through the sacrifices of their brethren to move silently across the larger stones that decorated the deserts, ever watchful for the slightest tremor in the earth that foretold danger in the form of small ripples in the stone grains. They subsisted on scant provisions, finding sustenance in the corpses of massive insects, and wove tales of ancient Kilnsi of yore to bolster their spirits against the ceaseless trials.
The Koa’Torath Badlands once swallowed the entire continent, extending across its center, but cut short in the middle by the imposing Horothrux Mountain Range, keeping away the harrowing Tyrio Aridlands. This vast expanse of arid savannahs and blistering deserts offered little in the way of comfort. The eolo, displaced and struggling to adapt to their unfamiliar and hostile surroundings, saw their numbers dwindle once more. Warbands feuded bitterly over scarce resources, each skirmish further depleting their strength. Harsh ways of life emerged as warbands adapted to survive, but many once-prominent clans vanished like grains of sand on the wind, leaving only a few scattered survivors to the elements.
In this bleak landscape, the eolo faced the grim prospect of extinction. Amidst the despair, Charist, an ancient eolo scarweaver of the Hua'Niti Warband, found hope buried in the sands. Charist, seeking refuge and desperately needed sustenance, stumbled upon one of the increasingly rare oases. His relief was short-lived, as he discovered that a recent sandstorm had decimated the crops he had hoped to rely on. As hunger gnawed at his belly and death's yearning threatened to overwhelm him, Charist witnessed a miraculous sight: the birth of a desertwalker. This resilient chitin decorated creature, born amidst the desolation, brought forth a small explosion of life wherever it hatched, nurturing a small but precious patch of green against the harsh ivory sand. With this knowledge, Charist began to cultivate patches of green amidst the desert each year with the creature's migration, gradually transforming the barren landscape into a series of life-sustaining oases.
As word of Charist's discovery spread, some of the scattered warbands began to converge, setting aside their differences in a desperate bid for survival. United by the common goal of reclaiming their future from the grasp of the desert, the eolo worked together to expand the patches of green, turning the tide against the unforgiving aridlands. Over time, the barren Koa’Torath Badlands in the northeast began to give way to fertile grounds, and the once-dwindling eolo found new strength and purpose working these lands and fishing upon the Hellidam Ocean from Somati.
However, not all were drawn in by the allure of the discovery of desertwalkers. Other warbands turned their sights to the formidable Horothrux Mountain range. This natural barrier, which bisected the nation of the Sanctuary like a knife, presented a daunting challenge. The steep cliffs and treacherous terrain made climbing perilous, often lethal. Yet, in the heart of the mountains, the Horothrux Mountain pass was discovered, providing a narrow gateway through the otherwise impenetrable range. Here, these warbands chose to settle, finding direction under the leadership of Harth Uskernok, a formidable Kilnsi warrior known for his prowess in battle and a remarkable talent for blacksmithing.
Harth Uskernok’s leadership transformed the warbands' fate. Near their new settlement of Akutcha, they unearthed rich veins of iron, silver, gold, and rubies, buried deep within the mountains. With these precious resources, Harth and his followers began to forge not only the tools necessary for their survival in the harsh desert environment, but weapons to defend themselves. The discovery of these ore deposits reinvigorated the people of Akutcha, imbuing them with renewed strength. Under the Ithquent Airemar Kilnsi’s guidance, they constructed formidable defenses and armed themselves with superior weaponry, enabling them to fend off the relentless attacks aimed at eradicating the remaining eolo.
Akutcha in the Horothrux Mountains quickly grew into a stronghold of defiance. The warbands, united under Harth Uskernok’s banner, thrived amidst the rugged peaks, their blacksmiths continuously at work turning raw ore into the lifeblood of their survival. In honor of their Kilnsi, they found it only suitable to honor him by declaring this mine in his name, Harth Mines. These mountain-dwellers, hardened by the unforgiving terrain and their relentless struggle, became a symbol of indomitable spirit. To renew their warrior spirit and honor their heritage, Harth oversaw the construction of a grand temple dedicated to Zaxia, a great eolo deity of strength and battle, at the top of the mountain. This temple became a spiritual and cultural center, where warriors gathered to seek blessings and draw inspiration from Zaxia’s legends. The Horothrux Mountain pass thus became a bastion of hope, a symbol of the eolo’s enduring will to survive.The very first of the eolo to be pushed from the realm of Lithoterria beyond the mountain pass were said to be lost to the Hermarite Savannah to the east, where ever hungry creatures prowled, or simply perished in the Tyrio Aridlands to the west, a desolate place where even plants refused to grow under the scorching heat. For decades, no signs of life emerged from these forsaken lands until the discovery of Ozakfar Oasis reconnected the warbands with the very first eolo exiles. This oasis, known primarily as the dangerous watering hole for the Tyrio Leviathan, served as a vital link to the past. The Dotraki Footpath, which extends from Ozakfar Oasis, was found to be a treacherous route marked by seemingly random stones of different pale colors. Only the experienced Kilnsi warriors understood their significance: a warning that the sands beyond the stone markers harbored deadly beasts capable of annihilating entire brigades with a single movement, the Tyrio Leviathans.
Those who managed to traverse this perilous path would eventually reach Onuda, the village of the ancients. The origin stories of Onuda are many and varied, each woven with threads of myth and legend, yet they all converge on the same truth. The village marks the beginning of the Skyward Terr Steppes, a mystical site where stones defy gravity, rising and hovering above the ground. Desperately, the ancient Tikril Dabara warband scaled these steppes, drawn by the evasive of a small, lush mountain that seemed to float in an endless expanse. This mountain, rich with the fruits of both trees and the earth, promised sustenance and rare ores, a haven amidst the desolation, more than just survival.
The Tikril Dabara’s ascent was marked by trials and tribulations as they clawed their way upwards, fueled by vengeance for their exile and the relentless drive for more. The sight of the Skyward Terr Steppes was the barrier between the Tikril Dabara and their success. The Floating Stones of Oridarok marked the final length of increasingly evasive, unstable stones as the Tikril Dabara watched their companions plummet into the Mists below the expanse. Fashioning ropes to themselves and then to the stones, it took years and many sacrifices for the Ra Thine Kaltakra, the bridge of ascension, to finally take shape.
At its volcanic summit, where the Tikril Dabara found respite and riches, Onuda bestowed upon the entire mountain region the name Grikar Un Wurndir, meaning the realm of Wurndir. Wurndir, emerged as the guardian of these lands, revered by the Tikril Dabara for the abundance and protection found within. The mines that yielded precious iron, silver, ralrodin, and emeralds were consecrated to Wurndir, their depths resonating with prayers and offerings for strength and prosperity.
Legend spoke of Wurndir as a god of war, known for turning raw metal into formidable weapons and infusing blood with magical enchantments that allowed the eolo to strike back at their enemies with greater brutality than they themselves had endured. The Tikril Dabara believed that the ores unearthed from Grikar Un Wurndir were not merely resources but direct gifts from their deity, forged in the crucible of the volcanic soil. The weapons crafted in Wurndir's name were said to carry the spirit of vengeance, imbued with the power to turn the tide of war against any who dared threaten the eolo's sanctuaries.
Amidst tales of bounty, a whisper persisted among the eolo. Some believed that those Tikril Dabara who took up the mantel of creating Ra Thrine Kaltakra sacrificed themselves in Wurndir's honor. It was believed that the rite blessed a Kilnsi with the deity's favor in the afterlife, becoming an empowered guardian spirit who watched over their warbands from beyond the veil and promised them a day's work free from unexpected casualties. This belief strengthened the resolve of the Tikril Dabara, instilling in them a fierce determination to defend Grikar Un Wurndir against all who sought to plunder its treasures, desecrate its sacred grounds, or are deemed unworthy to be among them. Thus, amidst the verdant splendor and mineral wealth of Grikra Un Wurndir, the Tikril Dabara and their descendants forged a lasting sanctuary, where the echoes of ancient dark rituals and the promise of divine protection resounded through the ages.
Below is a list of the commonly known resources that are scattered across the Sanctuary. These can be located within the pinned post of the region your muse is traveling through to attempt gathering.
Plants & Produce
Plants & Produce of the Sanctuary
Description: Bato is a small plant, only growing about eight inches off the ground, that droops a fair bit so that it actually hangs forward instead of standing straight up. This is because of the fruit that hangs off of it. Bato as a plant is typically used as an agent to help stop bleeding when it is ground up, and it can also clot wounds and numb the specific area. It has to be grown in volcanic soil which means it is only really seen in Eolo lands.
Special Qualities: Reduces bleeding by one turn or action depending on relevance.
Item Type: Herb
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 60
Yield: D3
Care Cycle: 10 days
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Only seen growing within the wilds of the Sanctuary.
Bloody Thorn Bush
Description: The bloody thorn bush appears as a moss-like plant that decorates sandy and rocky areas of the darkest parts of the sea. Of course, red is the first color to leave the visible spectrum upon entering water. However, if using correct material to go deep enough for this plant, a light will show its true colors as a deep, blood-like red with occasionally hints of black and lighter reds. Before it was mentioned to be moss-like. And that it is. However, rather than small bulbs of life, are somewhat sharp, pointed, and short structures that cover the top. These are used for defense mechanisms against any harmful bacteria or deep sea creatures. The simple appearance is all there really is to this chemosynthesis organism, as there is truly not much that happens in the environment.
Special Qualities: On rare occasions if one can go deep enough to the waters to actually come across this plant, it is not uncommon for it to scratch the bottom of one's feet dealing 50 damage each turn submerged in this plant and struggling.
Item Type: Moss-like Plant
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 60
Yield: D3
Care Cycle: 7 days | Requires body of water.
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Found in the darkest parts of the sea, mainly sandy and rocky areas.
Description: Bloodroot is a robust plant with deep red, veined leaves and vibrant crimson blossoms. Its roots, when crushed and applied to wounds, staunch bleeding rapidly and induce quick clotting. Additionally, a poultice made from its leaves can alleviate pain and inflammation, providing temporary relief during battles.
Special Qualities: Rapid clotting and pain relief properties
Item Type: Herb
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 50
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 10 days
Rarity: Common
Source: Forests, riverbanks, and battlefields.
Caligine Daemonia
Description: This plant is extremely illegal due to its toxicity and lethality. While it is beautiful with black and red colors with several spots and a brightly colored tube-like center, the plant launches an extremely hostile toxin in spores from the center of the plant. The spores, when inhaled, attack the body in a matter of minutes and after a short time, it will cause the victim's heart to explode out of their chest.
Special Qualities: Once inhaled the victim begins to suffer after one turn with a bloodied cough. At three turns, they will no longer be able to stand and require immediate medical intervention by a skilled healer or medic to quite literally repair their heart before they are on death’s door by the sixth turn. Success check to assist with poisoning is 85 for purification, and three successions of 60 to repair the heart.
Item Type: Flower
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 98
Yield: D2
Care Cycle: 30 days
Rarity: Legendary
Source: Only really seen when deep in the criminal underground, but on rare occasion, this plant is found within the wilds.
Coast Soldier’s Carrot
Description: Exactly what one would expect from a carrot, a pale orange or sometimes red root that peeks up from the ground with a wee tuffet of soft green leaves. They are commonly used in dishes all over, from basic stews to freshly honeyed stove fries. They’re easy to get one’s hands on, due to their copious amounts and easy growing conditions. Just plant the tiny seeds within some damp soil and let the sun rain down on them. It is even rumored to improve eyesight. Coast Soldier’s Carrots are known for their resilience and adaptability to various climates.
Special Qualities: Rumored to improve eyesight.
Item Type: Vegetable
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 55
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 6 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Found in farms, forests, fields, markets, or even coast sides.
Dead Coat
Description: Their growth typically starts on the bones of the deceased, covering them in a coat of dull white moss, earning their respective name. These interesting specimens primarily would be used for their milk and roots. Whenever someone wrings them tightly like a soaked dishrag, they splash out a milky substance from all of their pores. This can be used to help battle blood-flow, restoration, increases bone health, and even assists in iron deficiencies. Their roots, also known as meshwine roots, are used in bone-marrow transfers with an exceptionally high succession rate. They manage to display uncanny similar structures as marrow. Useless dead coats will calcify, leaving behind the famished plant turning to powder as soon as it is moved by contact. Perks of these plants include being high in folate, vitamins B16, B12, and iron within just the secretions alone. They can only be found in the corrupted soil of the southeastern forest in Arcvelt or along corrupted chains of islands known as the Outlands.
Special Qualities: Blood-flow regulation, bone health, iron supplementation. A patient consuming this offers a +10 to aid a healer other than themselves treat their wounds.
Item Type: Moss
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 35 - Only in areas that are stated corrupted.
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 12 days
Rarity: Common
Source: Corrupted soil, outlands, and sometimes randomly in forests that are beginning to spoil such as near the Outlook in Arcvelt.
Dixie Diza
Description: If one stumbles upon these white flowers with a jumble of lines, circles, and points leading to goddess knows where, no, it is not some weird adolescent prank from Yui that has too much time on their hands. It truly is an odd optical-illusion of a flower that easily earns its name. Whenever mixed properly, it can aid with stopping dizziness or enhance disorientation. The choice is up to the person. Small highly concentrated amounts of this are being used to induce amnesia, not enough studies to claim if permanent or not. They need very little sunlight to grow, in fact, too much sunlight can kill these plants.
Special Qualities: Anti-dizziness, amnesia inducement for a week if consumed 5 units of ground Dixie Diza.
Item Type: Flower
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 65
Yield: D3
Care Cycle: 10 days
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Shaded areas of the forest or wetlands.
Description: The drook is a symbol of the Night of Fools, an elongated sphere that has red protrusions on every side. They are grown as vines and entangle the nearest tree, fence, or sometimes even bricks and sprout multiple flowers that have to meet in order to produce their fruit at the end of late summer. It doesn't have a particularly strong taste, but its smell is often associated with the Night of Fools. You can often find it in a sweet pie if it's been cooked correctly. Drooks are recognized for their association with folklore and traditional festivities.
Special Qualities: Associated with the Night of Fools.
Item Type: Fruit Plant
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 60
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 5 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Easily found across most regions of Lithoterria, even easier to find during the Night of Fools.
Glister Flower
Description: Glister is a vibrant flower with petals that shimmer like precious metals, each petal exhibiting a different metallic hue of silver, copper, and bronze. The flower exudes an enticing fragrance that beckons those who seek its potent effects. When carefully harvested and processed, the petals yield a powerful stimulant known for inducing euphoria and heightened alertness. However, its usage comes with great risk, as it can lead to elevated heart rate, body temperature, and erratic behavior. Prolonged consumption may result in severe side effects such as convulsions, seizures, or even heart failure. Despite its allure, refined Glister remains a dangerous and highly sought-after botanical commodity in illicit markets
Special Qualities: Powerful stimulant, dangerous side effects.
Item Type: Herb
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 70
Yield: D3
Care Cycle: 14 days
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Arid Climates, Amber Empire, Illegal Markets
Description: Greenwill is a fern-like plant with very wide leaves that shine under the sunlight. Predators are warded off from it because it secretes an oil that isn’t very pleasant to touch, and anyone that harvests the plants typically uses gloves so they don't come into contact with the oil. Some people will use this plant as a spice in certain meals or they may even just have it as a meal in itself if they wish to cut their figure down a bit after some preparation to remove the harmful oil or transform it into something more beneficial.
Special Qualities: Predators are warded off due to oil secretion.
Item Type: Greenwill Fern
Difficulty: NoviceSuccess Check: 10
Yield: D5
Care Cycle: 5 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Easily found all over Lithoterria.
Greyberry Bush
Description: The Greyberry Bush is a medium-sized shrub with deep green, serrated leaves and clusters of small, greyish-blue berries. These berries have a slightly tart flavor and are often used in various culinary dishes and herbal remedies. The plant itself is quite hardy, thriving in a variety of environments from forests to meadows.
Special Qualities: Greyberry Bushes have a natural resistance to pests and diseases, making them relatively easy to cultivate. The berries are rich in antioxidants and have a variety of health benefits.
Item Type: Shrub
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 10
Yield: D5
Care Cycle: 5 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Commonly found in temperate regions across Lithoterria, particularly in areas with well-drained soil and moderate sunlight.
Description: These rigidly constructed flora tend to thrive in the more arid climates of the Eolo. They sport a circular pattern with many eager round petals thwarting around one another, competing to be on top of the stem. Most often, the petals are blue in nature, however, also can dawn on reds, purples, pinks, and even yellow petals as well. Not only are they gorgeous to gawk at during the day, they emit a soft luminescence at night under the moon. This luminescence is easily harvested, as consumption causes eolo’s markings to glow even brighter, meanwhile other races will exhibit glowing tongues or mouths. A true night show that does not stop there, no, they can be crushed and incorporated within fabrics, glowsticks, and even eolo jewelry to give it that extra mile. Because of the growing conditions needed for the plants, they are often cheaper within the Sanctuary, and expensive elsewhere.
Special Qualities: Emit soft luminescence at night.
Item Type: Illuminari Bloom
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 25
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 5 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: The Sanctuary, but also occasionally found in fields, and markets.
Ieva’s Rose
Description: Ieva’s rose dawns six strong petals ablaze in a fiery plethora of hues, predominantly orange. This only warns about the highly combustible pollen it warrants inside, spewing out to attack any offenders who disturbs her rest. This could be anything from a sudden shift of temperature, movement, atmospheric pressure, etc etc. If one manages to leave it without turbulence, they should avoid gripping the thick stalk, for it has coarse thorns all over it. Each rose grants someone three sacs of pollen total when harvested correctly. These pollens are used as combustibles and ignition assistance within alchemy. The name sprouts from an old legend about a young Eolo maiden’s blissful naivety. She was swayed by a charming knight, who offered her hope in traveling the world or delightful riches. Upon leaving, she was made his slave, going through countless trials by his hands. As if the fervent abuse weren’t enough, she wound up becoming pregnant. Once noticed, she was kept longer, until she was near birth to be casted out on the side of the road to die. In her last hours, she prayed to the Mother above, as she turned her into a spitfire rose with exceptional beauty. This in turn, attracted this very knight, causing him to be the first victim to her flames. Now her spirit lives on, forever immortalized as a lesson learned to be wary of pretty travelers with fanciful words.
Special Qualities: Combustible pollen, fiery hues, caution required.
Item Type: Plant
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 20
Yield: D4 | D3 for Ieva Rose Pollen Sacs
Care Cycle: 5 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: The Sanctuary wilds or markets.
Description: Lica presents itself as a humble yet versatile moss-like plant, its dark green foliage exuding a dense and robust texture. Adaptable to various surfaces, including stone, wood, and even glass, it forms lush mats that serve as both a decorative accent and a functional element within homes. Lica is often used as animal feed for herbivores.
Special Qualities: Despite thriving in shaded environments, Lica boasts a surprising richness in nutrients, attracting a plethora of species across Lithoterria to graze upon its verdant bounty. Its widespread distribution across all territories makes it a vital source of vitamins for grazing animals and weary travelers alike, with its taste often likened to that of lettuce. Lica serves a dual purpose in alchemy, enhancing the flavor and nutritional content of brews while also imbuing enchantments with a fresh, salad-like aroma when applied to blades.
Item Type: Decorative Moss
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 10
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 5 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Flourishing in shaded areas with moderate moisture levels, Lica is abundant throughout Lithoterria, offering a readily available and affordable resource for both practical and aesthetic purposes.
Lunatis Destructo
Description: Enigmatic and ominous, the Lunatis Destructo flower manifests as a large bulb adorned with reflective petals designed to capture and amplify the ethereal glow of moonlight. While typically radiant in a bright white hue, variations in color have been observed, ranging from haunting purples to deep blues. Emerging from the cracks of catacombs, its short stem belies the extensive network of robust roots deeply entrenched for survival.
Special Qualities: The lifecycle of the Lunatis Destructo unfolds with remarkable swiftness, as its stem and bulb rapidly reach maturity, leaving the remainder of its existence dedicated to root growth and hibernation. Thriving for only five months of the year, its fleeting presence conceals a deadly secret. Upon reaching maturity, the rare bulb can erupt, dispersing seeds and releasing a toxic gas capable of incapacitating unsuspecting victims. Exploiting this lethal trait, the bulb serves as a potent tool for crafting makeshift poison smoke bombs and laying cunning traps. The flower will erupt, causing 100 damage immediately before an additional 75 damage per turn is placed upon those in the space until the cloud is blown away.
Item Type: Bioluminescent Flower
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 80
Yield: D3
Care Cycle: 10 days | Requires access to water and an underground mine-like space. Solar light will kill the plant if exposed before maturation.
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Flourishing in the depths of darkness, Lunatis Destructo thrives in environments shrouded from light, drawing sustenance from hidden water sources. Despite its rarity, its menacing presence poses a formidable threat, both as a natural hazard and a potent weapon in the hands of those daring enough to harness its deadly potential.
Mountain Vine
Description: Mountain vines are long and slender with a lot of leaves growing off of them. They are usually light orange in color, and the plant is often used in medicinal creations. It gives a boost to mental functions like focusing or solving complicated tasks quickly. As long as it has plenty of dry, rocky terrain as well as a lot of surface to climb on, it will grow, though it will need an occasional drink of water.
Special Qualities: Medicinal
Item Type: Vine
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 35
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 7 days
Rarity: Common
Source: Typically found growing on the side of mountains or off cliff edges
Night's Gift
Description: Night's Gift has religious significance for those that worship the Four Reapers, more specifically the Night Reaper's rituals. Every profane within five hundred meters of a night's gift can sense the flowers, or even a kilometer if they are calm and trying to focus on the smell. It is well known that they might even stop their hunting if they sense the plant, meaning that those that hunt for the Night Reapers might use the seeds when they crystallize to reinforce their fighting spirit. The plant grows to thirty centimeters tall when it is an adult with a minimum of two leaves and always having an even number of leaves, while the color varies in the spectrum of light, from green to ultraviolet.
Special Qualities: Profane deflection success check of 50 out of 100.
Item Type: Flower
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 85
Yield: D2
Care Cycle: 14 days
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Can be found at higher tier well-stocked florists, or can be found in most areas around Lithoterria.
Praemium Mortiferum
Description: Towering at a height of four feet, praemium mortiferum presents a mesmerizing spectacle, with its bulbous form crowned by a neon-red orb atop a sturdy stem. By day, the bulb's semi-translucent surface hints at the mysterious contents within, while nightfall reveals its true nature—a luminescent green glow emanating from the bulb's filling.
Special Qualities: Despite its captivating appearance, praemium mortiferum conceals a perilous secret within its delicate exterior. In the light of day, the bulb's fragility mirrors that of fine glass, liable to rupture with the gentlest of touches. Concealed within lies a noxious and highly corrosive acid, its foul odor a warning of its destructive potential. Under the cover of night, the bulb undergoes a transformation, its surface hardening to a tempered stained glass-like texture, while the liquid within glows with an eerie luminescence, offering both a sinister allure and a deadly threat to any who dare approach. Harvesting the bulb during this nocturnal phase ensures its preservation in its hardened state until deliberately shattered.
Item Type: Bulbous Plant
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 75
Yield: D2
Care Cycle: 20 days | If harvested during day, 500 damage occurs and plant is destroyed.
Rarity: Rare
Source: Thriving in environments where lunar synthesis and photosynthesis converge, praemium mortiferum stands as a rare and formidable presence, its lethal properties balanced by its ethereal allure under the cloak of night.
Praemium Mortiferum Fruit
Description: The Praemium Mortiferum Fruit is a mesmerizing neon-red orb crowning the sturdy stem of the Praemium Mortiferum plant. At night, it hardens to a tempered, stained glass-like texture and emits an eerie luminescent green glow. Harvesting the bulb during the nocturnal phase ensures its preservation in its hardened state until deliberately shattered.
Special Qualities: When struck or thrown, the acid will seep out in an immediate to short range burst. Upon flesh, 250 damage is taken for 3 turns. Upon equipment, the rating of the equipment will decrease by two and it will gain a repair token unless the item is made of acid resistant material.
Item Type: Fruit
Effect: When deliberately shattered, releases a highly corrosive acid. Its luminescent glow can be used for lighting or aesthetic purposes. Handle with extreme caution due to its dangerous nature.
Rarity: Rare
Source: Harvested from the Praemium Mortiferum plant, which thrives in environments where lunar synthesis and photosynthesis converge.
Scarviin Berries
Description: The berries produced by the scarviin plant are very useful in alchemical properties, as they can be used to provide a charge if the alchemical solution needs to ignite somehow. Harvesting them is troublesome as the scarviin feeds itself by latching onto a person and entrapping them so their blood can be drained from them. When it has done this recently, the plant's leaves turn brown. If the plant becomes infected with profanity it'll turn completely black with the exception of its vines, which will be a brilliant red. It will actively lash out at wildlife instead of waiting for them to come for the berries. These berries should not be consumed and will cause literal burns within the mouth, throat, and stomach. Scarviin berries are known for their alchemical properties and dangerous harvesting method.
Special Qualities: Alchemical properties, dangerous harvesting method.
Item Type: Berry Bush
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 75
Yield: D3 | Rolling a 1 results in 150 damage to muse from blood loss.
Care Cycle: 14 days | Blood required.
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Typically found deep inside forests, where the most wildlife is, and harvested directly from the plant.
Scurvy Pepper Raspberry
Description: The raspberry of a scurvy pepper raspberry bush has a delicious, tangy flavor that sizzles on the tongue. They can be used to make either a salsa or a lovely jam, or it can be used in certain alchemical recipes that call for berries. The bush itself has thorns on it that, when pricking yourself on one, can cause the string to swell up as if it was a bee sting. It'll also be quite itchy until it heals. The fruit looks quite similar to a raspberry as they come in small clusters in a similar formation. Scurvy Pepper Raspberries have a tangy flavor and can be used in various culinary and alchemical applications.
Special Qualities: Tangy flavor, thorny bush
Item Type: Bush
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 50
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 7 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Can be harvested from the bushes it comes from in practically every region in Lithoterria.
Shifting Vurn
Description: These are easily recognizable with their plain leafy bush varying in color depending on the climate they are growing within. The warmer climates often adorn a bright minty green, where the colder ones taint it a darkened brassy red. Season’s seasoning, a truth towards the pigment is how the taste shifts depending on the color of the plant itself. A darker pigment indicates a more hearty, bitter, and stronger flavor it can be after carefully harvested. The lighter greens tend to be lighter, and less off-putting. All parts of the plant can be used. The traditional ones are dried ground leaves for tart dishes, roots cut and fried for a more garlicky tone, and finally, the stem for sour notes. Quite nifty, as long as one remains careful when harvesting, too much jostling can cause all of the flavors to vanish away to nothing. Beware of the infected ones, however, they will become toxic if ingested. This is easily noted by the darkening in color and black climbing about the plant, let alone the sudden thorns.
Special Qualities: Flavor variation based on color
Item Type: Grain Bush
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 45
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 8 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Everywhere
Silver Lilly
Description: The Silver Lilly possesses delicate petals with a glass-like texture, reflecting the moon's glow with a silver sheen. Its fragrance, reminiscent of a blend of fresh rain and moonlight, serves as a potent masking agent, capable of concealing even the keenest of scents, including those of beasts. Found nestled near cave entrances leading to the Underlands, it thrives in the cool, damp air, its shimmering blooms offering a glimmer of beauty in the darkness.
Special Qualities: Perfume with masking properties when combined with alcohol of choice, resulting in a 85 success check on perception to scent based checks.
Item Type: Flower
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 75
Yield: D3
Care Cycle: 10 days
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Cave entrances to the Underlands, shaded forest glades.
Spectral Eyes
Description: Spectral eyes are a beauty to behold whenever the moon ascends to her celestial throne, opening with an ethereal violet glow in her honor. They require maximum moonlight to flourish, thriving in fields or atop hills for minimal interference. Not only a visual delight, they intoxicate the mind with sweet aphrodisiac scents during their nocturnal display. Fully matured spectral eyes, when combined with lacline essence, yield both fertilizer and wound disinfectant. They bloom only at full maturity, turning a ghastly red if infected, emitting a small toxin that can induce paralysis.
Special Qualities: Using one in a social interaction will result in +5 to social charm based checks in the user’s favor.
Item Type: Flower
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 80
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 10 days
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Fields or hilltops.
Squealing Banshee
Description: The Squealing Banshee is an extraordinarily beautiful plant. Its bud, white with red veins, pulsates reminiscent of a beating heart. It employs this allure to ensnare unsuspecting victims who wish to harvest it as a gift for their loved ones. Once lured, the plant emits a deafening scream and ensnares its prey, injecting them with a potent paralytic toxin and neurotoxin. After saturating its prey with toxins, the plant's teeth, nestled within its heart-like bulb, latch onto the victim like a lamprey, extracting all nutrients from their body. When harvested properly, the bulb of the plant can be utilized for medicinal purposes, enhancing natural healing vitality.
Special Qualities: Deceptive beauty, paralytic and neurotoxins, nutrient extraction. Scream and paralysis can be resisted on a fortitude check of 70.
Item Type: Flower
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 95
Yield: D2
Care Cycle: 45 days | Requires meat
Rarity: Rare
Source: Swampy areas where it thrives. Other Notes: Vitality for this creature is 1500.
Squealing Banshee Toxin
Description: Squealing Banshee Toxin is a potent substance derived from the heart-like bulb of the Squealing Banshee plant. This toxin contains powerful paralytic and neurotoxic properties, capable of immobilizing and incapacitating its victims. The substance is highly sought after for its potential use in both offensive and medicinal applications.
Special Qualities: Paralytic and neurotoxic properties, derived from the heart-like bulb of the Squealing Banshee plant that results in the injection site turning purple and forming an unusual eye shape. The limb will be unable to move for the duration of the encounter, but no longer than ten turns. Limbs that have been injected with this toxin more than 5 unique times will be rendered permanently paralyzed. If the target fails a fortitude check of 40, their body will be rendered unable to move for 5 turns.
Item Type: Toxin
Effect: Induces paralysis and neurotoxic effects upon application. Can be used in offensive alchemical concoctions or for medicinal purposes to enhance natural healing vitality.
Rarity: Rare
Source: Harvested from the Squealing Banshee plant, found in swampy areas where it thrives.
Description: Unsuaco has a tall, spindly stem with navy blue pigment with small vermillion blades sprouting from the base of its buds. It also has cherry red nodes and baby blue leaves that are quite soft. Unsuaco leaf is commonly smoked with one unit creating five individual cigarettes or it can be pressed into plugs and sliced into flakes. Unsuaco can clear the tensions of the body and mind, is a mild psychoactive and is a potent muscle relaxant. Stress is cleansed and replaced with a gentle state of euphoria.
Special Qualities: Mild psychoactive properties. Heals 100 Sanity when smoked.
Item Type: Herb
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 50
Yield: D4
Care Cycle: 7 days
Rarity: Common - Sparse outside of Sanctuary
Source: Most usually found cultivated in the Sanctuary, but can be found in most regions of Lithoterria.
Verdant Moss
Description: A dainty plethora of tiny green leaves that glow softly in the darkness from a toxin it emits. It enjoys flexing and placing this glow onto other animals and plants, warranting it to spread out as much as it pleases. They often can be found lounging around inside of caves, trying to take over as much of the walls as possible. Leaves from an immature plant can be used as an anecdote for the toxin it emits, negating all effects. Clumps of this Moss can be sold at a market..
Special Qualities: Bioluminescent properties.
Item Type: Moss
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 20
Yield: D3
Care Cycle: 14 days
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Caves, damp shady places, or markets.
Weeping Harlot
Description: This specimen originates as a wide brilliant red-capped mushroom, freckled with pink splattered across the top, underneath being a soft fleshy peach. The stalk is noticeably a pale pink with various gradients of red peeking through from the stringy veins threaded across the stem and base. It remains this way until it reaches maturity. Thus it sheds its cap, flowering out with a brilliant tickled pink center that darkens as it reaches towards the uncannily fleshy green leaves. The pink decorates the tips and flecks about still across the leaves in singular dots. Weeping Harlots that have been mature for longer will secrete a shimmering dew across its leaves to attract a host. This is whenever it sprouts its renown cherry inside of its center. These plants are dangerous, ready to ejaculate pores from its leaves at any disturbance to overtake a host, or attract a donor to create a cherry. These are rarely infected with profane, but, once they do, they become black and red instead. It is also presumed they form a horrendous leach-like mouth, ready to spring at a new host, latching on for dear life as much more potent spores constantly spread.
Special Qualities: Bioluminescent dew secretion.
Item Type: Plant
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 70
Yield: D2
Care Cycle: 25 days
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Thick forests, particularly old growth forests and jungles.
Mining Material
Mining Materials of the Sanctuary
Aluminum Ore
Description: Aluminum is easily recognizable, resembling a metallic version of grandma’s fruitcake hidden and hardened inside walls. It appears as a cluster of various colors embedded in rusty brown rock, coated with metal sheens. To extract the precious aluminum, one must form aluminum oxide through a chemical mixture. The metal requires two processes to materialize without explosions: chemical transformation and electrolysis. The resulting metal is soft and malleable, ideal for bending or sealing materials but less suited for structured weaponry.
Special Qualities: Easily moldable
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 25
Rarity: Common
Source: Tropical areas
Alzonite Ore
Description: Alzonite ore is silver and often mistaken for lead. When smelted, it yields alzonite, a tricky metal to work with, best suited for seasoned blacksmiths. Known for its strength and conductivity, it is excellent for sharp weaponry.
Special Qualities: High conductivity
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 35
Rarity: Common
Source: Deep mining.
Description: Amethyst is a semi-precious purple quartz variety believed to prevent drunkenness. Used in jewelry and armor embossing, its color varies from light violet to dark purple.
Special Qualities: Protective properties
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 60
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Most mines.
Brass Ore
Description: Brass ore, formed from copper and zinc, is rare in nature but prized for decoration, instruments, and weaponry parts. Resistant to rust, it's ideal for outdoor tools.
Special Qualities: Rust resistance
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 65
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Mines
Description: Coal, a black rock, serves as a ubiquitous fuel source for blacksmithing and heating. Its ash-conserving properties make it popular among blacksmiths.
Special Qualities: High energy density
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 10
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Mines across Lithoterria.
Copper Ore
Description: Copper ore, with its mossy green appearance, is smelted into various metals. Highly conductive and resistant, it's favored by humans for its utility in crafting.
Special Qualities: High conductivity
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 20
Rarity: Common
Source: Mountainsides and deep mines.
Description: Emerald, a semi-precious stone, symbolizes healing and compassion. Used in jewelry and spiritual rituals, its value depends on clarity and color.
Special Qualities: Healing properties
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 85
Rarity: Rare
Source: Sanctuary and Ancestral Isles mines.
Flint Stone
Description: Flint Stone, a white quartz, chips easily into jagged edges and sparks when struck. Historically used for weaponry, it's ideal for starting fires.
Special Qualities: Fire starting properties
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 5
Rarity: Common
Source: Streams and beaches.
Gold Ore
Description: Gold Ore, used for decorative purposes and jewelry, is also valued for its use in steam-powered devices. Extracted from deep mines or rivers, it's precious and sought after.
Special Qualities: Decorative properties
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 75
Rarity: Rare
Source: Deep mines or rivers.
Iron Ore
Description: Iron ore, essential for blacksmithing, is easily identifiable by its rusted red color. Commonly found, it's used for crafting basic gear.
Special Qualities: Essential for blacksmithing
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 25
Rarity: Common
Source: Mines throughout Lithoterria.
Lapis Lazuli
Description: Lapis Lazuli, a semi-precious stone, symbolizes loyalty and faithfulness. Used in jewelry and spiritual practices, its rarity adds to its value.
Special Qualities: Symbolic properties
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 60
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Mines
Lead Ore
Description: Lead ore, shining metallically, is commonly used in piping and as a material for refining silver. Despite its usefulness, prolonged exposure can lead to health issues.
Special Qualities: Utilitarian properties
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 10
Rarity: Common
Source: Mountainsides, volcanoes, and mines.
Magnesium Ore
Description: Magnesium ore, found in seawater and brines, yields a silvery metallic solid with various impurities. Highly flammable when powdered, it's used in pyrotechnics and alloys.
Special Qualities: Flammability
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 25
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Seawater, brines, and caverns.
Mascar Ore
Description: Mascar ore, a solid black, yields a versatile metal ideal for weaponry, armor, and tools. Easily smelted, it's valued for its all-around usefulness.
Special Qualities: Versatility
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 20
Rarity: Common
Source: Mines across Lithoterria.
Description: Opals, with their varying colors, are prized for their beauty and symbolism. Worn for love and passion, they're coveted additions to jewelry.
Special Qualities: Symbolic properties
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 65
Rarity: Rare
Source: Mines
Ralrodin Ore
Description: Ralrodin ore, with its white sheen, is highly durable but challenging to forge. Used for weaponry and armor, it requires skilled smiths and magical fire.
Special Qualities: Durability
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 85
Rarity: Rare
Source: Mines across the Sanctuary and Amber Empire.
Description: Rubies, in various shades of red, symbolize love and passion. Valued for their rarity, they're prized additions to jewelry.
Special Qualities: Symbolic properties
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 70
Rarity: Rare
Source: Mines
Silver Ore
Description: Silver Ore, though sparse, is valued for decorative purposes and conductivity. Used in Valyon and steam power, it's prized for its utility.
Special Qualities: Conductivity
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 65
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Mines
Titanium Ore
Description: Titanium Ore, found near rivers and seashores, yields a corrosion-resistant metal. Used in alloys and flares, it requires careful extraction due to flammability.
Special Qualities: Corrosion resistance
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 40
Rarity: Common
Source: River sides, brines, seashores, and volcanic areas.
Tungsten Ore
Description: Tungsten Ore, found near volcanoes, produces a durable metal ideal for weaponry. Difficult to extract and forge, it's prized for its strength and conductivity.
Special Qualities: Strength
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 60
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Volcanic areas and quartz mines.
Zinc Ore
Description: Zinc Ore, with its metallic luster, is extracted from various rocks. Used to strengthen steel and resist rust, it's essential for crafting durable gear.
Special Qualities: Rust resistance
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 20
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Caverns and sea.
Building Material
Building Material found in Sanctuary
Description: Clay is a fine grained material, in which, has a muddy consistency upon water being added. This strange enigma of the ground has a unique ability to be molded into a desired shape and baked out in the sun in order to be preserved as ceramics. There are many styles of clay, each one better than the last for different forms of ceramic making or crafting. To obtain the highest quality possible clay, they must delve deep into a clay mine and extract the materials. Clay can also be used in large amounts in an extremely sunny environment to create livable huts.
Special Qualities: Moldable when wet, suitable for ceramics and construction.
Item Type: Building Material
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 30
Rarity: Common
Source: Amongst any water deposits or most mines.
Common Stone
Description: Common stone is typically grey in color and can be found throughout Lithoterria. Typically scattered across the surface of most lands, it is also found within practically any mine and is often used in building structures, roads, and other such mundane uses. At worst, it can be hurled at an enemy.
Special Qualities: None
Item Type: Building Material
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 1
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Almost any forested area.
Hardwood Lumber
Description: Hardwood lumber can be found in many construction projects due to its durability, but it is also a prime ingredient in the handles of weaponry. Airships, unlike seafaring ships, are primarily constructed with hardwood lumber due to a resistance to warping.
Special Qualities: Durable, resistant to warping.
Item Type: Building Material
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 1
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Almost any forested area.
Lavish Stone
Description: Lavish stone is any sort of fancy stone from marble to granite that is commonly found deep in the earth. Due to its incredible durability and beautiful appearance it is often sought out for furniture in housing, decor, art material, and even adding a touch of luxury to common property. It is often found in groups of three units unlike most building material.
Special Qualities: Durable, aesthetically pleasing.
Item Type: Building Material
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 50
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Deep Mines.
Softwood Lumber
Description: Softwood lumber is the primary ingredient of most woodworking projects ranging from seafaring ships, bow and arrows, and the interior walls of buildings. This wood is typically used in carvings and comes from gymnosperm trees such as pines and spruces.
Special Qualities: Suitable for carvings, interior construction.
Item Type: Building Material
Difficulty: Novice
Success Check: 1
Rarity: Abundant
Source: Almost any forested area.
Mystical Material
Mystical Material of the Sanctuary
Air Elemental Flora
Description: The Eolo use these flowers to create enchantments for their gear, and they can also be used in certain alchemical recipes. The crystalline flowers are typically seen as indications that the people that own this variety are more free-spirited and loose with their inhibitions, or perhaps it describes their fighting style which involves being hard to touch and deceptively dangerous. They are mostly used on crossbows and bows to add more power to their shots.
Special Qualities: Enhances reflex by 1 stat point for next encounter for up to 5 turns.
Item Type: Mystical Flower
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 80
Rarity: Rare
Source: Mostly found in locations that are very high up, such as the tops of mountains and other places. They are also found where there has been a high concentration of air magic in the past.
Earth Elemental Flora
Description: When one enters a mine, or even walks a mountainous path, they will be delighted or even surprised to see sudden flowering clumps of iridescent crystals catching all light. These floral creations are filled to the brim with magical properties developed by the earth’s essence. These rare spawned items are most often used within Eolo enchanting or alchemy.Special Qualities: Provides enhanced endurance and resilience.Item Type: Mystical FlowerSuccess Check: 85Rarity: RareSource: Mines or mountains.
Fire Elemental Flora
Description: Fire Elemental Flora are typically used for Eolo enchantment in an offensive capacity, to create flaming weapons that burn enemies as they attack. It can also be used in certain alchemical recipes if they require some sort of constant heating. Those that bear fire elemental flora typically are the most risky of fighting types, willing to take damage in order to give it out in the form of combat drugs or just taking a knife stab to dole out a punishing attack. They also tend to represent the more fiery tempers.
Special Qualities: Grants a single strength stat for one encounter for up to 5 turns.
Item Type: Mystical Flower
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 80
Rarity: Rare
Source: This flora is typically found close to hot areas like deserts or even volcanoes.
Description: Where there is a soft twinkling sound, much like wind chimes dancing in a soft breeze, one must start a search. Nobody knows where these come from, some people assuming they were blessed by the heavens above. They will know they found it whenever they spot a palm-sized glowing star. Upon closer examination, they will notice a jelly texture, the vibrant yellow creation almost semi-see-through and jiggly with any movement. They are often used in alchemy given their magical properties.
Special Qualities: Provides temporary illumination for an hour when exposed to moonlight.
Item Type: Mystical Ingredient
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 95
Rarity: Rare
Source: Randomly spawned from the skies.
Water Elemental Flora
Description: This delicate flower catches the eye, from its languid lulling petals sprawling down as if water were permanently frozen in time. They shimmer delicately, as when one lays their finger across them, they feel a glossy texture due to its crystalline structure. Most often, Eolo will use these rarely found water-loving spawns in enchantment and alchemy.
Special Qualities: Grants an additional stat point in Resolve for the next encounter, up to 5 turns.
Item Type: Mystical Flower
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 85
Rarity: Rare
Source: Rivers, ponds, streams, and waterfalls.
Radiance Elemental Flora
Description: Radiance Elemental Flora emanates a soft, ethereal glow, reminiscent of the gentle light of dawn. These flowers are often sought after by enchanters seeking to infuse their creations with radiant energy. They are believed to imbue those who possess them with a sense of hope and purity.
Special Qualities: Provides a stat increase to Sanity, +250, for the duration of the next encounter.
Item Type: Mystical Flower
Difficulty: Expert
Success Check: 85
Rarity: Rare
Source: Essence obtained from defeating monsters with a radiance elemental origin.
Shroud Elemental Flora
Description: Shroud Elemental Flora exudes an eerie darkness, as if it absorbs all light around it. These flowers are prized by those who wish to cloak themselves in shadows, making them difficult to detect. They are often used by rogues and assassins for their stealth-enhancing properties.
Special Qualities: Grants enhanced stealth and concealment abilities for one turn. (+10)
Item Type: Mystical Flower
Success Check: 85
Rarity: Rare
Source: Essence obtained from defeating monsters with a shroud elemental origin.
Eolo Blood
Description: Eolo Blood is a glowing substance harvested from the body of fallen Eolo warriors. It pulsates with the essence of the Eolo, imbued with their formidable powers and resilience given life in its vibrant glowing color.
Special Qualities: Used within bloodrunes and enchantment if used within 24 hours. After a day's time, it becomes useless.
Item Type: Mystical Ingredient
Success Check: N/A
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Harvested from fallen Eolo warriors.
Aerolyx Cluster
Description: Aerolyx Cluster is a large blue cluster of crystal that exhibits unique properties when heated or electrified. It causes lift and generates energy, making it valuable for various applications, from propulsion systems to enchantments.
Special Qualities: Provides lift and energy generation. Three are considered a large cluster.
Item Type: Mystical Ingredient
Difficulty: Intermediate
Success Check: 75
Rarity: Sparse
Source: Found in areas with high concentrations of air magic or elemental phenomena.